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Sunday 12/14/08 we went to church as normal. The room Andrew is in for church is the same room he goes to for preschool, so he is very familiar with it. Remind you he does hit his head alot. Remind you he is a boy. And remind you, he has some of the Adams blood in him we think. I guess all these times he's hit his head we've just been lucky all that happened was a bruise, scratch, or goose egg. Not this time.
Andrew was playing and tripped over a mat which made him hit the stairs attached to the changing table with his right eyebrow. Brad and I were in our Sunday School class at the time. We are thankful that it didn't bleed like a typical head injury bleeds because by the time we got to him it really wasn't bleeding at all.
Andrew was a trooper and did such a good job considering. We of course left church and rushed him to the ER. I showed Brad the room we were in when he burnt his hand last year. Thankfully we're not on a first name basis there yet. At times he was still smiling, wanting to sing to music, and such. Emma did so well with the whole thing. She kept consoling him saying, "shhhh, it's Ok" while stoking his arm or face. She doesn't like him crying and was so sweet taking care of him.
Our friend "Mr. Mark", our children director's husband, came to see us in the ER. He's a police officer and was working near the hospital. He came and gave the kids a sticker. So thoughtful.
Well, 8 stitches later Andrew is all back together again.
After some Hardee's and a good nap to sleep off the Versed medicine they gave him he acts like nothing ever happened. Kids are amazing.
We have to clean it and re-bandage it twice a day and then go back in 5 days to get the stitches taken out.
Everyone has been so thoughtful and considerate. Thank you for all your concerns, prayers, hugs, and phone calls.

Sunday 12/14/08 we went to church as normal. The room Andrew is in for church is the same room he goes to for preschool, so he is very familiar with it. Remind you he does hit his head alot. Remind you he is a boy. And remind you, he has some of the Adams blood in him we think. I guess all these times he's hit his head we've just been lucky all that happened was a bruise, scratch, or goose egg. Not this time.
Andrew was playing and tripped over a mat which made him hit the stairs attached to the changing table with his right eyebrow. Brad and I were in our Sunday School class at the time. We are thankful that it didn't bleed like a typical head injury bleeds because by the time we got to him it really wasn't bleeding at all.
Andrew was a trooper and did such a good job considering. We of course left church and rushed him to the ER. I showed Brad the room we were in when he burnt his hand last year. Thankfully we're not on a first name basis there yet. At times he was still smiling, wanting to sing to music, and such. Emma did so well with the whole thing. She kept consoling him saying, "shhhh, it's Ok" while stoking his arm or face. She doesn't like him crying and was so sweet taking care of him.
Our friend "Mr. Mark", our children director's husband, came to see us in the ER. He's a police officer and was working near the hospital. He came and gave the kids a sticker. So thoughtful.
Well, 8 stitches later Andrew is all back together again.
After some Hardee's and a good nap to sleep off the Versed medicine they gave him he acts like nothing ever happened. Kids are amazing.
We have to clean it and re-bandage it twice a day and then go back in 5 days to get the stitches taken out.
Everyone has been so thoughtful and considerate. Thank you for all your concerns, prayers, hugs, and phone calls.

1 comment:
Andrew is a little angel, just a typical, active little boy. Children are so resilient at this age. He just always seems to be happy and smiling. Enjoy them while they are young. It is still cool when they grow up but...just much more fun for us as parents when we can hug and cuddle them. ;)
Take care and Merry Christmas.
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