Monday, December 22, 2008

God is an amazing healer

Andrew got his 8 stitches out this morning. Our friend Dave took them out at the house. THANK YOU DAVE! Andrew did well, but of course still scary for a 2 year old, so there were crocodile tears involved. It looks like it's healing well. We're going to continue putting neosporin on it until it heals completely. It's funny, looking at it now all healed up, Andrew really did hit it right along the line of his eyebrow. Thank you for everyone's prayers.

1 comment:

Immeasurably More Mama said...

This is my first time commenting on your blog! I enjoy getting the updates on all of your family happenings. (:

Andrew seems to be healing nicely...poor guy. The pictures of you and Emma are TOO cute!

Merry Christmas!