Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What we've been up to

April 29-30th
Brad and I took a short getaway to Pilot Mountain. We stayed in a bed and breakfast, went hiking, visited Mt. Airy (the town the Andy Griffith show was based off of), and shared some nice meals together. It was a nice break from everyday life that both of us needed.

Below are some misc pictures:
Andrew shared some of Daddy's chocolate shake from Steak n Shake.

Barbie organized a Mother's Day slideshow presentation at church and this is the picture we used. Emma and Andrew, you are truly our gifts from God.

Emma loves spaghetti/pasta (or "sasta" as she calls it).
Need we say more. Yes, it was bath night that night.


ferrarohome said...

OH my the kids are so grown up! Emma is so sweet looking, what a doll. We hope things are going well, thanks for the e mail with your blog.

Ours is

Hope to hear from you guys.

Becky for
Dave, Isaac, Gracelyn and Owen Ferraro

ferrarohome said...

our blog is

missed the "r" on accident.