Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Helping Daddy Mow the Lawn and more...

Andrew did so amazing helping Brad mow the lawn. He probably did about 3/4 of the yard with him. Brad said, he just kept going. When we all went outside, we weren't planning on Andrew helping Brad mow, so because he was wearing open toed sandals, his toes were green :-) Our cute little man.

Emma helped mow from time to time, but wasn't as determined as Andrew was.

Video of Andrew helping Brad mow the lawn.

The kids enjoyed our Malawi Spaghetti Fundraiser Dinner.
Our team raised close to $1,000 toward our Africa Mission Trip!

The bear was a big hit. They snuggled with him. They wrestled with him.
They tackled each other with him. Pretty funny.

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