Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Emma's 1st Day of Kindergarten

Emma did amazing. She was so excited! Think it's going to be more of an adjustment for Mama than it will be for Emma.
"My little girl is growing up. Can't believe this day is already here."

Talking to grandparents on the way to school.

Emma's teacher, Mrs. Williams

Mrs. Ladd - teacher assistant

The Smart Board is so cool.
Definitely a step up from the 'ole projector and transparencies I'm used to.

Emma is making her lunch choice.
She dragged her name over to "brought lunch" using her finger.
The other option on the board is chicken nuggets in the cafeteria.

"How are you getting home?"
Emma wrote her name on the car b/c Mommy is coming to pick her up after school

There are a total of 8 kids in Emma's class, Emma and Baileigh are the only two girls.

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