Monday, April 27, 2009

What we have been doing lately...

We're singing in the rain...

It's a lot more fun for the kids when the gutters are more full of running water :-)

Emma decided during nap time the other day that she was going to undress, put on a new pair of underwear, and proceed to empty three drawers full of clothes into her chair.

Andrew likes that we write his name on his sippy cup. I was unaware that he got a hold of the black sharpie and decided to write his name all by himself.

Well, Andrew finally had the courage to sit on a motorcycle. He is all about motorcycles, but whenever he was given the chance to sit on one he got scared and wouldn't do it. Our neighbor across the street owns a couple motorcycles. Brian actually turned it on and Andrew still stayed on. He loves his new sunglasses too.

If you don't know already, Andrew has an extreme love for motorcycles right now. Should we thank Uncle Arthur or Uncle Travis? Our neighbor across the street owns some motorcycles and has been very welcoming.

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