I hate that it has been so long since we have posted a blog. Too much has happened since our last blog, so instead of trying to back track we are just going to start posting current pix.
Emma is getting so tall! We also praise God for her good health. She is telling so many good stories these days and continues to learn new words everyday, along with then teaching them to her brother. She has also gotten so good at jumping. Jumping on the ground. Jumping off the coffee table onto the couch. Jumping off her recliner in her room. Wherever. Her new favorite video is her "Boz" videos. Potty training is still hit or miss, but she is at least going on the potty 1-2x per day. Slowly, but surely. A favorite song for her to sing right now is "Happy Birthday", and currently she is fascinated with clouds. A couple things Emma is learning right now is her colors and the difference between big and little. It is so encouraging to see her and Andrew to have so much fun together, laugh together, and yes, sometimes actually share. Emma, you are a good big sister and Daddy and Mommy are so proud of you.
Emma is getting so tall! We also praise God for her good health. She is telling so many good stories these days and continues to learn new words everyday, along with then teaching them to her brother. She has also gotten so good at jumping. Jumping on the ground. Jumping off the coffee table onto the couch. Jumping off her recliner in her room. Wherever. Her new favorite video is her "Boz" videos. Potty training is still hit or miss, but she is at least going on the potty 1-2x per day. Slowly, but surely. A favorite song for her to sing right now is "Happy Birthday", and currently she is fascinated with clouds. A couple things Emma is learning right now is her colors and the difference between big and little. It is so encouraging to see her and Andrew to have so much fun together, laugh together, and yes, sometimes actually share. Emma, you are a good big sister and Daddy and Mommy are so proud of you.

Andrew as well has really taken off with new words. It amazes us how many words he already knows and can say. Words he says regularly are outside, up, bah-ball (basketball), HI, throw, tat (cat), yes, etc. He's doing some signing, which has really helped decrease his tantrums. He is our flopper, meaning when he throws a tantrum a lot of times he will just flop wherever. Backwards on the kitchen floor. Doesn't matter where. We are learning even more the difference between a girl and a BOY. If he's going to run into something, he is going to hit it with his head. He has no fear and just jumps in with both feet. He has learned how to crawl down the stairs feet first on his belly. He is now running all over and learning to jump like Emma. He pretty much is learning to do whatever Emma does. He sure loves his sister. Basketball is his new favorite sport. He LOVES it.
All of a sudden we have completely gotten rid of Andrew's pacifier. For a good 6+ months we have only been using it in his bed for sleeping, but just about a week ago I had put it up on his dresser so he couldn't see it in his bed and want it during the day. A couple days had passed and we realized that we hadn't used it at all. We had just been putting him to sleep with his blanket. I wasn't even going to make an effort to get rid of it until 18 months, but he did it on his own at 15 months. I wonder if potty training will be this easy :-)

March 10-13 - Glenn View's Staff Retreat in Marion, VA.
Thank you to the Copelands who allowed us enjoy, relax, retreat in such a beautiful place. During this trip Barbie got to go 4 wheeling for the first time. It was kinda like jet skis on land.
Hey guys,
I cann't believe how much they have grown. Sounds like Emma's gross motor skills have really taken off. It is good to hear Andrew healed and did not require any intervention. You two are blessed with beautiful children. I'm still in your area on Thursdays and think of you often. I really miss working with Emma she always made me smile.
Thank you for thinking of me and sharing your wonderful pix and videos. I hope you have a great Easter and keep me update. Tell Emma and Andrew hello.
Miss Tracie
I would have sworn that was Arthur Adams in the helmet on the motorcycle/motorbike!!
luv ewe guys, m/
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