The first weekend of December we traveled to Suffolk, VA to have an early CHRISTmas and an early 1 year birthday celebration for Andrew with Opa, Oma, and Great-Grandma Wright! Andrew LOVED his cupcake, as you can see :-)

Andrew (and Emma both) love Andrew's new plane from Opa & Oma. It plays music and the propeller spins and lights up. Below is a video of Emma pushing Andrew around our house. Really funny!

Andrew has been walking for almost a month now. He's really starting to pick up speed. In the past couple weeks, he's learned how to walk backwards and is in the process of learning how to throw a ball. So far Andrew has done very well starting to transition to whole milk. We haven't taken him off his Prevacid yet though. Taking him off his medicine will be the true test to see if the whole milk bothers his reflux.
Andrew has two new teeth. The teeth on either side of his front teeth have broken through. He is a drooly mess :-)
We also think he's in the beginnings of going to one afternoon nap and unfortunately for us, we think Emma in the beginning stages of dropping her afternoon nap all together. She has gotten quite good at opening the door to her room. Now we're trying to teach her to at least stay in her room for "quiet time" if she's not going to nap. Haven't had much success on this yet :-)
Emma LOVED this snowman at Opa & Oma's. Of course, it plays music!

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