Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Thank you for your prayers

Andrew is doing so much better. It’s amazing how much healing can occur in a weeks time. He is finally starting to use his right hand more and starting to enjoy his bath once again. He had been crying through his baths I guess because it bothered his hand. His hand is healing soooo well. Also, thankfully after just a couple days of antibiotics his double ear infections don’t seem to be bothering him anymore either. His fever is gone and he is acting himself again.

We had a F/U appt. with the plastic surgeon today. He felt that his hand was healing well. He still couldn’t say 100% for sure he wouldn’t have any scarring or contractures. Only time will tell. We go back to see him again in 4 weeks. Please continue to pray that as his hand continues to heal that Andrew will have full mobility of his hand and not need any intervention.

Andrew has also been taking soooo many steps on his own. It would be safe to say that he could very well be walking by Thanksgiving.

Brad got back safely from his mission trip to Moldova. He had a great time, but as always, it’s great to be home and sleep in your own bed. I think he’s back to normal as far as the time change goes.

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