Both of them love our indoor slide. Emma will slide down and Andrew will just giggle at her. Of course some days are better than others; there are highs and lows. Some days they'll play great, but for the most part it seems we can't leave them alone together for a second.
No telling what might happen.
Emma brings home so many creative activities from preschool and church. We get good reports of how friendly she is. (Most days) Emma is doing a good job learning to listen and follow directions. We're definitely in our independent 2's stage. Emma loves to be outside, run up and down the sidewalk out front, get the mail, learn to ride her tricycle, and play in her sand box. She also loves the white pebbles/rocks in the flower beds in front of our house. Play-doo, coloring, whistles, bubbles, music, and, of course, Signing Time, are some of her favorite inside activities.
Emma is also doing a good job drinking out of an open cup, although she still likes to "experiment", which usually means water ends up on the floor, her shirt, or both. She's also getting tall enough now where she can get water from the outside of the refrigerator. Again, usually resulting in a wet floor and shirt :-)
Never a dull moment, just good memories.

Andrew is repeating a lot more words. He is also starting to throw food on the floor from his highchair when he's done eating or when he doesn't want a certain food. He is all business when is comes to eating. The moment we put him in his highchair he expects there to food in front of him. He can sure eat some food. He's is totally on finger foods now. It seems like he flew through puree foods quickly.
Andrew's top right front tooth is getting ready to break through any day. He's also cruising pretty well now. No steps yet, but he does like to let go and just stand there. Andrew is also getting some rhythm. He'll move his head and body back and forth and clap his hands to music. So cute! Separation anxiety is definitely in full swing. Nice to feel needed, but not this much :-)

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