Welcome to the new Wright family website. We love keeping in contact with you and thought this might be an easier way for all of us to stay in touch.
Andrew will be 8 months on the 19th. He's somewhere in the 18 lb range now. Each day we see a little more of his fun personality. He's smilely most of the time and has the cuttest dimples and contagious giggle. Andrew just got his 1st tooth yesterday! The second front bottom tooth is also ready to break through any day as well. Also, the last couple days he has been getting up on his hands and knees and rocking back and forth. Crawling is right around the corner, which we're all ready for, because he wants to be mobile so badly. He LOVES to stand and sometimes gets frustrated he can't just get up and go like his sister. He's also a big fan of finger foods. I think he's going to fly right through this puree food stage. I think he's going to be a talker like his big sister. We've heard the da-da, ba-ba, ga-ga, etc. Still waiting on the ma-ma :-) He also has a lot of fun experimenting with the pitch and volume of his voice. Sometimes Emma joins in and they have a little "conversation." Thankfully he is still sleeping well. He's still on the Prevacid. We haven't decided yet when to start weaning him from that.
Emma is doing so awesome. We are so proud of her. Currently she is getting speech therapy twice a month and occupational therapy once a week.
She tells the best stories. Most of the time, we don't know what she's saying, but she sure does. She continues to excel in her sign language. We feel like she teaches us signs now.
Her hair has decided in the last 6 months to grow curly at the ends. So beautiful.
Emma is now officially in a "big girl" bed, partially because one day Barbie turned around and she had one leg and her belly on top of the railing! She's done very well with. Still find her asleep on the floor, but thankfully she transfers well back into her bed.
She sure does love her little brother, but is still learning how to share with him. Emma does a good job at testing limits and boy is she independent. As parents, we're learning how to direct that independent energy. She has gotten good at "helping" us (well, most of the time it's helpful). Emma loves the outdoors, loves playing in her new sandbox, riding in her red wagon, and riding her tricycle (still needs help with the pedals, just barely can reach them).
Potty training still not successful, but we're trying not to force it. Mommy & Daddy are more ready than she is.