Monday, May 25, 2009

Andrew's New Motorcycle Bike


Putting together his motorcycle bike

Vroom. Vroom. I'm riding my new motorcycle bike. Vroom. Vroom.

Tucker Farm

Emma went with her Preschool Class to a field trip to Tucker Farm to learn more about horses. Emma and Mommy had a good time.

Petting and Brushing the horse.

This is what hay feels like.

Mrs. Christy - one of Emma's preschool teachers

Video of Emma's horse carriage ride with Marly and Mrs. Livie

PDSSN Spring Event - May 2, 2009

Sweet pix of Emma and Pastor Johnny

Video of Emma doing a somersault before she goes down the inflatable slide

Picking Strawberries

I apologize it's been so long since we've blogged. I hate that it seems like we blog once per month, if that. You don't want to know how many pictures I have in my "to be sorted" folder. Well, atleast I'm taking the pictures, right?

We also recently went strawberry picking at Hedgecocks. Mmmm. So sweet. We actually may go a second time here in May or early June before the season ends. Unfortunately the kids aren't quite into it yet. They picked a couple and left the rest up to Barbie. Barbie never picked strawberries as fast as she did that day with it just being her and the kids. They were learning to only pick the red ones, not the green ones.

We came back to the house to wash and eat. Yes, the red shirt on Emma and dark shirt on Andrew were on purpose.